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about ric

Ric Viers who is a producer, international author, sound designer and the world’s largest independent producer of professional sound effects libraries with more than 670 products produced to date. He is the author of “The Sound Effects Bible”, “The Location Sound Bible”, and “Make Some Noise” and the founder of Blastwave FX – one of the world’s leading sound effects publishers.


Known as the “Rock and Roll Professor of Sound”, Viers was inducted into the Full Sail University Hall Of Fame in 2014 for his contributions to the industry and the student body. He has hosted several video series like “Rode University”, “Crash Course In Location Sound” and most notably “The Detroit Chop Shop Video Diaries” - a YouTube based reality series about the interns at his studio The Detroit Chop Shop.


His career focuses heavily on giving back to the next generation of filmmakers and sound designers through lectures, workshops and webinars. His sound design work continues to be used in major motion pictures, television shows, radio programs, and video games worldwide.​

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